Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lucid Dreams

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Tips and How To Easily Do Lucid Dream For Beginners.

A third of human life is spent sleeping, but most people do not know that they can use that time creatively.
Have you ever had an experience where you can realize that you are dreaming in your sleep?
Maybe you're having a nightmare like being chased by zombies and then you say to yourself "Hey! I'm just dreaming, it's all a dream. " Most likely the next thing that happens is that you are aware and awakened immediately.

Lucid dream or in Indonesian is called the conscious dream is the practice to achieve self-awareness while dreaming, and learn to control and manipulate the dream in accordance with your wishes.
For some people, lucid dream can be done easily and without any effort ... but for most people this experience is very hard to do.

... Although successful, most of them do not remember with their dreams the next day.
Do you know that lucid dream can be trained and learned?
With a little learning and knowing how, then you can increase your success in doing lucid dream.

6 Stage Doing Lucid Dream For Beginners - Safe and Easy

There are various ways you can do to make lucid dreams. The lucid dreams I will give the following are the easiest and often used by beginners while still learning.

The first stage
Lie down with casual and loose clothing. Wait some time until the condition of the body was relaxed.

Phase Two
Concentrate and control your breathing. Feel each gust of in and out of the body, and slowly slow breathing and breathe deeper.

Third phase
Continue to concentrate on every part of the body, from head to toe. Concentrate the mind to stay awake but make sure every body part relaxes and relaxes.
Think of a few light things that can keep you awake but keep your body in a relaxed state, such as counting sheep.

Phase Four
Perform step number 3 continuously until you enter sleep paralysis stage. Sleep paralysisis a condition where you are half asleep and half awake.
This is the main stage in doing lucid dream.
Some people mention this stage as a "squeeze" because at this stage some people feel overwhelmed by something heavy. You are in a conscious state, but can not move your body because it is asleep.

Fifth Stage
Initially, when just beginning to do the lucid dream most people are less comfortable with this stage, and woke up while at this stage.
Try not to wake up and do not be afraid. If you wake up, then repeat the steps above.
The next stage is blackout.
This stage is a period of transition where you will feel as if you are entering a dark place dark. This period will take some time, do not be afraid, and do not wake up.

Phase Six
In the last stage you will be able to feel a sensation of sight or hearing. This means you have succeeded in lucid dream.
When in a dreamy state, do not let your emotions go, whether it's happiness, sadness, or anger, because it can make you wake up.

The key to success is only 1, keep concentrating!

4 Tips To Increase The Lucid Dream Success

Most people fail when they want to do lucid dreams at first. Knowing how to lucid dream alone is not enough, follow the tips below which can increase your success in making a clear dream.

Make a Dream Journal
Always provide a book and pen beside the bed in order to quickly record your dreams after waking up.
Every morning use a few minutes of your time to write down the dream in detail and complete. Try to record your dreams as soon as possible in the journal books, as most people forget most of their dreams 2 minutes after awakening.
Having a journal will help to figure out the patterns in your dreams.
Most people have a mark in dreams that always appear regularly. Find those signs, the easier it will be for you to realize that you are dreaming.
After having enough dream journals, then you will be able to more easily remember your dreams last night.

Increases Melatonin Hormone
The hormone melatonin is produced by a small organ in the brain called the pineal gland. Melatonin is the hormone in the body that regulates your sleep cycle.
The hormone uses information about your surroundings to instruct the body to be sleepy at night or to stimulate consciousness during the day.
Simply, when it's dark and quiet, do not you feel more sleepy than a bright and noisy place?
The level of the hormone melatonin in the body is influential in determining the quality of dreams and success in doing lucid dreaming.
Some ways to increase the hormone melatonin are:
Sleeping in the dark.
Sleep and wake up at the same hour each day.
Consuming foods that can stimulate the production of melatonin hormones such as, sunflower seeds, cherries, almonds, tomatoes, bananas, wheat, etc.

Perform a Reality Check
Check reality can be done by doing activities that can be done on real life. The most common reality checks people do is pinch themselves.
When you are dreaming, you will not feel any pain.
Some of the reality check techniques that are rampant in foreign forums is to write a word on your left hand. Then look at the mark regularly. Form the habit to see the mark after completion of an activity.
This habit will continue to do until brought to the dream. When you are dreaming, it will not be visible.
At first, realizing that you are dreaming will be frightening and will definitely keep you awake ... but next time you will feel more calm and will succeed in doing lucid dream.

Meditating Before Sleep
Several studies have proven that there is an important relationship in meditation and lucid dreaming. This is because meditation trains you to achieve self-awareness, and meditation can also help you to recognize and be conscious when dreaming.
The easiest way to meditate is to lie still and close your eyes. Make sure that all parts of the body feel relaxed and relaxed. Empty your mind, and do nothing. Feel each breath coming in and out of your body and feel your stomach up and down with breathing.

There is no need to do anything else, enjoy every second with full awareness. Meditate every day 10 minutes before you sleep, and consequently this will increase the success rate of lucid dreams.

Side Effects and Dangers of Lucid Dream

Most people think that lucid dream is safe and free from all kinds of danger. They think you're asleep, dreaming, and lying in bed, what's the danger?
Although not scientifically proven, some people argue that there is a negative impact given from lucid dreaming to their lives. Although it does not affect the health of the body, but lucid dream has an influence on the mental state and the subconscious.
Indeed the dangers and side effects of lucid dreams are not always felt by everyone, but it's good to know the dangers that lucid dreams can be given before you try to do so.
The danger of lucid dream is as follows:

Can not Distinguish Dreams and Reality
Some people are often addicted to clear dreams and continue to do so. There are some cases where the person begins to be unable to distinguish which dreams and where the reality.
They will also begin to be difficult to distinguish between the unconscious and the conscious. Reality and fantasy will blend into one.

Can Cause Fatigue
Sleeping in general is a time to rest your mind and body ... but in doing lucid dreaming you are required to concentrate.
This will cause fatigue and fatigue during the move, because when you are asleep, only your body is rested, but your mind is still working and concentrating.
The human body needs deep sleep from time to time, or more commonly referred to as "deep sleep."

Hard to Wake Sleep
Some people report that in the lucid dream conditions, they are hard to awake. Even though the alarm clock sounded but they were still fascinated by their dreams.
Dreaming is what everyone experiences. Controlling dreams is what everyone wants. Although lucid dream is a fun activity, but you have to know the limits of doing it.

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