Thursday, January 18, 2018

SUWUNG (The Secret Teachings of Java's Ancestors)

Suwung. One word that became the essence of all the spiritual teachings of Javanese ancestors. Suwung, meaning empty, is the deepest reality of life, the source of creation, which is completely peaceful, transcending the sorrows, the silence of the emotional turmoil. The Javanese patriarchs understood God as Suwung, Kemahadaran and Omnipotence in the form of emptiness that held and covered all existence (Suwung hamengku ana). A person who has experienced Suwung will live flowing with the impulse of the True Gifts born from him. Scanning and appreciating Suwung will help you:
• Break free from the illusions of life that make life stressful.
• Aware of human glory with all its potential to experience happiness.
• Transforming on pure energy levels to live abundantly.
This book covers the nature of Suwung scientifically and philosophically, with guidance to practice the Meditation of Pure Love, Holy Water Meditation, Holy Fire Meditation, Self-Healing Meditation, Kindness Meditation, and various other meditation techniques to connect yourself with Suwung inside.

Suwung. One word that fully represents all the spiritual teachings of Javanese ancestors. Suwung which means empty is the most appropriate word to express the reality which is the source of all existence. The true God is the awareness and omnipotence in the form of emptiness that encompasses all existence. God for Javanese ancestors is Suwung. Suwung also represents a mental attitude that ensures suffering. Someone who has experienced Suwung will live flowing following the impulse of his true sense, free from the obsession and the pamrih which is the product of the mind.

.Studying the noble teachings about Suwung will bring you to reach the gems of life:
Freed from the illusion of God that makes the soul stunted and life is full of stress.
Realizing the majesty of humanity with all its potential to achieve true happiness that comes from within.
Transforming on an energy level that affects the health, financial condition, and leads to the purification of consciousness into the inner Self.
This book deals with Suwung's philosophy and essence, complemented by guidance on the Meditation of Pure Love, Holy Water Meditation, Holy Fire Meditation, Self-Healing Meditation, Reality Meditation, Kindness Meditation, and various other meditation techniques, to connect yourself to Sang Suwung in in self.


  1. where can i purchase this book? does it come in English language ?

  2. dimana saya bisa membeli buku ini? apakah itu datang dalam bahasa inggris?
