Saturday, August 29, 2020

Is Darkseid aware of Lucifer Morningstar?

 In some versions of the DC Universe's creation, it is Lucifer Morningstar that compelled the first matter, shifted the primordial gases, and ignited the first star. The laws of nature were set in place by his hand. In short, he molded the multiverse. Technically, he’s molded two. Yeah, he’s taken a step or two in the God business.

You probably noticed I said molded and not created. Lucifer can’t actually create matter. It is the most notable limitation to the Morningstar (his brother’s Demiurgic Power is the opposite, capable of creating but not giving form). What he can do is manipulate existing matter with unrivaled potency and experience.

In the history of the DC universe, there’s rarely been a character as powerful as Lucifer Morningstar, a being feared by even the formidable Morpheus, Dream of the Endless.

Darkseid is a New God, possessing vast metaphysical and cosmic knowledge. He showed a surprising amount of knowledge regarding the Spectre's role (and limitations). Although Darkseid was no match for the Angel of Vengeance, his knowledge meant he did not fear the Spectre. This lack of fear turned out to be warranted as Darkseid was resurrected (either by the Source or the Presence) only moments after being killed by the Spectre. Lucifer’s role is even greater than the Spectre, and by a large margin, so it would make sense that Darkseid would try to learn about potential threats.

That being said, I doubt they've ever met. Darkseid is focused on the powers of the Source with some universe-conquering on the side (a god has to stay busy); he has little reason to seek out the reclusive Morningstar. Lucifer, likewise, pays little thought to Darkseid; the dark god of Apokolips is beneath his worry.

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