Saturday, August 29, 2020

The 5 Great Fears; Cool anger with “RAIN”; Honoring our interdependence with Black lives




The Five Great Fears
There’s no avoiding it: 2020 has been a year of fear. But what is fear? What are we so afraid of? Looking at the “Five Great Fears,” Zen teacher Lewis Richmond asks us to consider fear itself.  

Thich Nhat Hanh: At Home in Vietnam
After his stroke, Thich Nhat Hanh began enjoying a quiet, 
contemplative life in the temple where he lived as a young novice. Sister Annabel Laity shares the moving experience of visiting her teacher there.
Honoring Our Interdependence with Black People

“If we only explore interdependence to feel good,” writes Dr. Kamilah Majied, “we miss a lot.” She shares the importance of recognizing and honoring the deep connections each of us has to Black lives.

How to Practice Walking Meditation
Leslie Booker offers step-by-step instruction. 
Summertime Longing
Whether meditating or doing headstands, Susan Moon’s small self continues to reach for something beyond.
How Do You Step Forward?
Jules Shuzen Harris asks: in the infinity of suchness, how do you achieve spiritual progress?
How to Cool the Flames of Anger with “RAIN”
Emily Horn teaches us how to recognize, accept, investigate, and not identify with our anger. 

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