Saturday, August 29, 2020

Yoga Benefits for Mental Health


Yoga Benefits for Mental Health

Benefits of Yoga on Mental Health

As we are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately it is being reported that we could be on the brink of another pandemic - a Mental Health pandemic.

The benefits of yoga extend beyond physical fitness. Yoga can bring a balance and equanimity in your mind and emotions.Find out more in this article, as Sadhguru answers a question about this rising matter.

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With Sadhguru Every Sunday

With Sadhguru Every Sunday

The word darshan literally means "to behold" or "to see". When you say “I am in darshan,” you are stating that “I see” or “I behold.” Here is a precious opportunity to behold the Guru. 

Read more about Darshan

In these difficult times, Sadhguru is making himself available for darshan till the end of the year via live web-stream. Here's your opportunity to ask him questions and receive his wisdom.

Watch Sadhguru LIVE!

Date : Every Sunday
Time : 7:30 pm WIB

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Upcoming Free Webinars

Meditation for Mental Health

Meditation for Mental Health

A Simple but powerful yogic process which balances the energy system and brings psychological wellbeing. 

Inner Engineering Introduction with Isha Kriya

Inner Engineering with Isha Kriya

This webinar includes an introductory talk on Inner Engineering program, followed by Isha Kriya, a simple yet powerful practice that has the potential to transform the life of anyone who is willing to invest just a few minutes a day.

Yoga for Holistic Health

Yoga for Holistic Health

Sadhguru offers us simple daily practices that one can do to maintain inner wellbeing and balance. This webinar includes Simha Kriya, a simple yogic process to improve lung capacity and immunity, and Isha Kriya. 

More Webinars

Solution for Mental Health During COVID-19

Solution for Mental Health During COVID-19 #InnerEngineering #MentalHealth #Coronavirus

Is there a mental ailment pandemic arising out of the COVID pandemic? How do we prepare ourselves to handle the impact of the virus on our mental health and wellbeing? Watch this video now, to find out more!

Watch now
Are you ready to experience the magic of life?

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