Saturday, September 5, 2020

New course on Three Yanas starts


We invite you to explore the Vajrayana Online’s newly relaunched course on the Three Yanas, which covers the entire scope of the Buddhist tradition.

What is this course about?

The course is structured by the Buddha’s three turnings of the wheel of dharma – known as the three yanas, or three vehicles. We will explore each of these stages in detail to develop a deep understanding of this path that we share:

  • The Hinayana, or the Narrow Vehicle, gives our path a profound and firm foundation.
  • The Mahayana, or the Great Vehicle, probes deeper into the open, free, and empty nature of reality and ignites the flame of our compassion.
  • The Vajrayana, or the Indestructible Vehicle, shows us our innately awakened wisdom nature, which allows us to see that ourselves, others, and all of reality are already complete, perfect, and whole.

What is included in this course?

  • Weekly audio and video teachings from Mingyur Rinpoche, with video subtitles and transcripts
  • Webinars with Mingyur Rinpoche 
  • Weekly readings from a range of modern and classical teachers
  • Optional personal practice interviews with the Tergar Instructors
  • A forum to discuss practice and ask questions

Sign Up Here

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