Saturday, October 24, 2020

3 things you need to know about the Silva Ultramind System

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Now some of you may have questions.

Especially if the idea of using altered states of consciousness is new to you.

Since enrollment closes in less than 1 week, we’ve answered three of the most common questions you’ve asked.

Check it out below:

Q1. How does the Silva Ultramind System work?

The Silva Ultramind System is The Silva Method’s definitive framework for harnessing altered states of consciousness to access your mind’s fullest scope of abilities.

This includes enhanced intuition, manifesting power, self-awareness and grounding, and alignment with your true purpose: all of which can make a tremendous positive impact on all areas of your life.

The key to accessing these abilities lies in your brainwaves, with a focus on the Alpha and Theta levels of mind. The Silva Ultramind System empowers you to enter these states at will, so you can tap into their unique gifts instantly, and at any time.

Q2. Who should use the Silva Ultramind System?

Anyone and everyone can greatly benefit from mastering altered states of consciousness. However, you’ll find this program particularly useful if you’re looking to:

  • Achieve a certain goal or desire that you’ve been unable to reach
  • Perform better at work and be more productive
  • Confidently and accurately make the best decisions, even when faced with uncertainty
  • Solve a stubborn problem that’s been bugging you
  • Connect better and more authentically with your loved ones and the people around you
  • Achieve a sense of untouchable inner peace, which you can tap into whenever you like
  • Understand your true purpose in life, and live in perfect alignment with that purpose

Q3.How is The Silva Method different from other mind empowerment systems out there?

The Silva Method is considered by many to be the source of the modern mind empowerment movement. In fact many teachers and programs on the market today are directly influenced by The Silva Method and Jose Silva himself.

The Silva Method’s standout quality is its decades of rigorous scientific research, and student base spanning over 6 million people worldwide. Every lesson is insightful yet also beautifully easy to understand. Every tool and exercise is instantly and noticeably effective. And by the time you’ve completed the program, you’ll be transformed perhaps more deeply than ever in your life.

Ready to access altered states of mind so you can start transforming your reality?

Go here to join us >>

Be Extraordinary,

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