Saturday, October 24, 2020

Death & Dying, Nondual Therapy, and the Truth of Yoga




Daniel Simpson on the Truth of Yoga (#121)

Daniel Simpson teaches yoga philosophy at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, on teacher trainings and online. He earned his Masters's degree in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation at SOAS (University of London), the home of the pioneering Hatha Yoga Project. He is the author of The Truth of Yoga, a comprehensive guide to the history of practice, which will be published in January by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. His website is



Integrating Energy Healing into MindBody Therapy: Theory and Practice

with Niralli D'Costa

Thursday, October 29 @ 7 pm ET

In this seminar, we will explore conceptual foundations for the integration of energy healing into MindBody Therapy. We will discuss the ways in which energy is already playing a role in the therapeutic process and how to work with that intentionally to benefit the client. We will consider how to implement energy healing practices in a therapeutic context in a way that is trauma-informed and client-centered. Participants will receive practical tools for how to conduct therapeutic dialogue related to energy healing.

In this seminar, students will learn:

  • Conceptual foundations for the role of energy in therapy

  • How to increase energetic awareness and attunement in work with clients

  • Practical skills for the integration of energy healing in therapy

Learn More & Register Here



Tibetan Book of the Dead: Understanding the Wisdom of Death & Dying

with Andrew Holecek

Wednesdays, Nov. 4, 11, 18, and Dec. 2 @ 7 pm ET

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is one of the great texts of the wisdom traditions. It is also one of the most cryptic and impenetrable. This course will “translate” this ancient masterpiece into contemporary terms, and reveal its vast and immediate applicability in modern life. The Book of the Dead is just as much a guide for how to live, and equally The Tibetan Book of Birth.

Breathtaking in its profundity, bewildering in its complexity, and applicable to anything that ends, this classic tome will become your companion after this course, and guide you through life’s most challenging moments with confidence and grace.

In this course, students will learn how to:

  • Use teachings and meditations to prepare for and remove the fear of death
  • Practice lucid dreaming and dream yoga

  • Help others as they die

  • Psychologically interpret The Tibetan Book of the Dead

  • Dissect the origins and history of the text

Learn More & Register Here


Nondual Therapy: New Paradigms in Healing & Self Realization

with Georgi Y. Johnson

Tuesdays, Nov. 10, 17, 24, and Dec. 1 @ 12 pm ET

Introducing the fundamentals of Nondual Therapy, this course explores the healing power of conscious awareness on body, mind, and psyche. The power of spiritual awakening to heal body and mind has been reported through the generations.

When consciousness is liberated from patterns of thought and behavior, the healing opportunity emerges. This is because pure consciousness is free: it is free of agenda, entanglement, and judgment. It, therefore, introduces the field of infinite possibility into the healing process. Out of infinite possibility, qualities of consciousness such as freedom, love, peace, and unity emerge as healing resources.

In this course, we will show how to use Nondual Therapy to harness these qualities of consciousness when approaching energetic contraction in order to awaken a fresh alignment, vitality, and sense of direction. 

In this course, students will learn:

  • To reveal the essence of karma and the lessons of life through the prism of real-life psychological processes and behaviors
  • How to use the felt sense for inner work and in therapeutic practice

  • The diagnostic methodology of nondual qualities and energetic contraction.

  • Energy exercises and techniques for self-work or for use in therapeutic practice

Learn More & Register Here

Become A Wisdom School Member

In-depth explorations of yoga philosophy, mindbody therapy, and contemplative studies.


Shamans & Siddhas with Isa Gucciardi - Dec. 2020  - REGISTRATION OPEN!

Darshan: Yoga & the Art of Seeing with Tias Little - Jan. 2021


Let Your Body Help You Interpret Your Dreams with Stanley Krippner - Thursday, November 19 @ 7 pm ET

Yoga & Dreams with Tias Little - Monday, December 14 @ 7 pm ET

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