Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Healing America’s Racial Karma; Koans for troubled times; Break the chains of thought




Healing America’s Racial Karma
More than 150 years after the end of slavery, America’s tragic racial karma rolls on. If we understand how karma really works, says Buddhist teacher Larry Ward, we can stop it.

Covid Craving

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Holly Stocking found herself with an inescapable craving for physical contact. She shares how the natural world and the Buddhist path have steadied her.

Koans for Troubled Times
How do we as Buddhists meet the challenges of our time? Joan Sutherland shares the history of koans, which were created to deal with a difficult period in Chinese history. From the Buddhadharma archive, originally published in Spring 2008.
The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Life Lessons from the Poker Table with Maria Konnikova
Professional poker player Maria Konnikova says mindfulness not only helps ground her in life, but in her gameplay. She tells Lion’s Roar magazine’s Andrea Miller how.
The Healing Power of Pop Star Goddesses
Behind the glitz and fame, says Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, are inspiring stories of real women facing real challenges. 
Break the Chains of Thought
When you study your thought process, says Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, you not only see how it rules your life. In the breaks and gaps between thoughts, you can experience awakened mind on the spot.
The Joy of Self-Caring
We’ve been sold on the idea that self-care means chocolates and bubble baths (not that there’s anything wrong with them). But Cyndi Lee says real self-caring is a practice, not a treat. It’s how you show yourself the love and compassion you deserve.

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