Sunday, October 11, 2020

Join Us for the Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit ๐Ÿ™ It's Free to Sign Up


Living in harmony, working for peace.

To remain indifferent to the challenges we face is indefensible. If the goal is noble, whether or not it is realized within our lifetime is largely irrelevant. What we must do therefore is to strive and persevere and never give up.
– His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Fourteenth Dalai Lama is a scholar, a statesman, a Nobel Laureate, and one of the world’s most celebrated spiritual leaders. His profound and accessible teachings, his ethical integrity and his infectiously joyful character have earned him the love and respect of millions. 

Beginning on October 22, Lion’s Roar and Tibet House US are offering a rare opportunity to experience the Dalai Lama’s vision and teachings via guidance from 22 expert presenters, including Buddhist teachers, spiritual leaders, scientists, scholars, best-selling authors, and some of his closest friends and students for 6 illuminating days of shared learning and reflection.

Sign up now to explore over 40 talks, teachings, meditations, and guided practices. Drawing on decades of personal experience, the summit presenters will share their insight into six key themes of the Dalai Lama’s lifetime work. Continue reading for a closer look at the days' events:

Day 1: The Art of Happiness:
Bringing the Best of Human Values into Our Lives

Sharon Salzberg | Thupten Jinpa | Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi |
Dan Harris | Jan Willis

Day 2: Transcendent Wisdom:
Buddhist teachings of the Dalai Lama 

Robert Thurman | B. Alan Wallace | Thubten Chodron | Lama Tsultrim Allione

Day 3: Toward a True Kinship of Faiths:
Creating Harmony Among the World’s Religions

Rabbi Michael Lerner| Serene Jones | Dr. Alberto Villoldo | Deepak Chopra

Day 4: The Universe in a Single Atom: The Science of Spirituality

Richard Davidson | Amishi Jha | Mark Epstein | Robert Wright

Day 5: My Land, My People, Tibet's Message of Peace, Compassion, and Sustainability

Thupten Jinpa | Robert Thurman | Tenzin Geythe Techong | Richard Gere

Day 6: Ethics for a New Millennium: Vision for a Better World

Dan Goleman | Sophia Stril-Rever | Karenna Gore | Robert Thurman
The Dalai Lama’s unwavering commitment to the principles of non-violence, compassion, and environmentalism can be an inspiration for all of us in these troubled times. His example of courage and kindness is a soothing balm for troubled hearts, reviving our faith in humanity and ourselves. We truly hope you’ll join us for a chance to contemplate the Dalai Lama’s vision for a kinder and more sustainable world.

Registration is free, and when you sign up you’ll receive a free e-book of the Dalai Lama’s teachings on wisdom and compassion, along with access to one of his guided audio meditations, courtesy of Khandro Music.

With kindness and love,

The Lion's Roar team

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