Saturday, October 3, 2020

Ken Wilber’s breakthrough Quest


Explore & Apply Ken Wilber’s Integral Framework In 5 Key Dimensions of Life.


As part of our recent Ken Wilber Masterclass, we’re opening enrollment to his  new Mindvalley program based on the most important theory in modern philosophy: The Integral Life.

Prepare to go on a profound exploration into your own consciousness and transform the way you see yourself, the world, and gain powerful clarity on your place in the universe.



The Integral Life is a 35-day online journey that enriches every dimension of your life with Ken Wilber’s integral approach to thinking and being.

Rather than being yet another set of personal tools or techniques to add to your repertoire, The Integral Life gives you something far more valuable: an ‘operating manual’ for thinking, growing, and being the most whole and fully realized version of yourself.

Starts 5 October 2020


What You’ll Learn

  1. A Richer Spiritual Awareness: You’ll develop a deeper connection with the invisible forces and subtle energies that shape reality and your true nature as a spiritual being.
  2. A Higher State Of Consciousness: You’ll discover how to access higher states of consciousness - where previously unreachable levels of clarity and self-awareness await.
  3. Profound Empathy For Others: You’ll gain the ability to transcend the illusion of separation, and truly embrace the diversity of perspectives and emotions around you.
  4. Deep Self-Healing: You’ll feel more whole and fulfilled than ever, as you heal spiritual and emotional wounds often caused by a disconnection from your most authentic nature.
  5. A Strong Connection To Source: You’ll establish an unshakable connection to the Universe and Collective Consciousness - from which you’ll gain infinite support and guidance.


Learn More

What The Experts Say

“Your genius comes from a hunger for the truth”

“Your genius comes from a hunger for the truth and also the desire to serve humanity that is virtually unmatched. We are all privileged to be touched by not only your work but your heart, your soul and your insight. The world is a better place and I am a better person because of your commitment and your caring.” 

Tony Robbins
New York Times bestselling author, Life success coach
United States

Read More Stories

Ready to experience a quantum leap in your growth and consciousness?

Visit the page below to enroll today:

Keep Evolving,
Vishen Lakhiani Vishen Lakhiani signature
Vishen Lakhiani
Founder - Mindvalley
Author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.
Follow The Real Me on Instagram.

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