Saturday, October 17, 2020

One Week Away: Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit



The summit starts next week!

We’re delighted to have you among the 40,000 people who have already signed up for this momentous event.

There’s only a week to go until the start of this landmark event! We’re bringing together 22 teachers to illuminate the life and teachings of The Dalai Lama with 40 inspiring talks, teachings, and guided practices. You can look forward to sessions featuring:

Sharon Salzberg | Robert Thurman | Karenna Gore 

Richard Davidson | Deepak Chopra | Lama Tsultrim Allione

Dan Goleman | Amishi Jha | Richard Gere

Thubten Jinpa | Jan Willis | Robert Wright

and many more... 

Click here to view the full schedule including the six daily themes and 22 presenters.

The events of 2020 have made millions of people feel isolated, anxious, heartsore, and defeated. The Dalai Lama’s life and teachings show us that even amid great adversity there is always hope. His wisdom and example of courage and compassion have enormous relevance for the times we live in.

That’s why we’re offering this summit as a free online experience, with six days of insight into the Dalai Lama’s profound message to the world. Tune in at your convenience to any or all of the summit presentations, beginning on Oct 22.

Upgrade for Lifetime Access to the Entire Summit
+ Bonuses

If you’d like to revisit this rich library of wisdom at your convenience, we’re also offering a special event Resource Package, including a collection of bonus content.

  • 20+ hours of summit video content, plus an audio library of guided meditations, and session transcripts
  • Eight Verses on Training the Mind: 1-hour audio teaching from the Dalai Lama, courtesy of Shambhala Publications
  • Exclusive Lion’s Roar Interview with the Dalai Lama: Video interview with Lion’s Roar’s editor-in-chief, Melvin McLeod, recorded in Dharamsala, India
  • 3 PDF E-Book Collections:
    Wisdom, Happiness, and Living Our Values each feature additional teachings by the Dalai Lama and summit presenters
  • Lion’s Roar Subscription: Your 1-year digital subscription includes unlimited access to including premium audio teachings, curated reading lists, downloadable e-books, plus access to the Lion’s Roar mobile app.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of upgrading, and our special limited time discount with savings of $132.

Upgrade and you can also be confident that you’re supporting the work of the Lion’s Roar Foundation, helping us to bring the wisdom of the Buddhist tradition into the lives of as many people as possible.

However you choose to access the summit, we truly look forward to your participation, and we thank you for joining us.

With warmth and kindness,

The Lion’s Roar Team

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