Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Power of Gongs in Sound Healing


If you've not already experienced a gong bath or online gong meditation, I hope to share some of the powerful and amazing benefits with you below. 

Gong meditations offer a wide range of healing by:

  • reducing the internal dialogue
  • triggering a deep relaxation response
  • releasing suppressed and repressed emotions
  • helping to recover after illness or medical treatments
  • creating a peaceful state of mind and releasing tension
  • stimulating circulation and increasing life force (prana)
  • synchronizing the left and right brain
  • awakening higher levels of consciousness
  • and many other benefits...
"The sound of the Sacred Gong is the sound of Creativity itself. One who plays the Gong, plays the Universe." -Yogi Bhajan
In addition to these benefits susanto, personal one-on-one gong sessions held over Zoom offer a very safe and contained environment. Holding a private space to balance your body, mind, and spirit.

I'm excited to share that you can now book a gong session with me as I will be offering them all throughout the holidays. The next available openings start November 2nd.

Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions!

With best wishes,

Click here to schedule

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