Monday, November 16, 2020

Answering Your Questions About Kabbalah and Spirituality Part 3 - Kabbalah Explained Simply LIVE This Sunday



The wisdom of Kabbalah lets us ask life’s deepest questions and feel the intimate and profound fulfillment from the attainment of their answers. What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we headed? What is reality? Why is there so much suffering, and how can we avoid it?

Find out in this Sunday's live Kabbalah Explained Simply lesson with KabU director and senior instructor, Gil Shir.

If you would like to get a reminder email 15 min before broadcast click the button


Kabbalah Explained Simply is a weekly lesson given by Gil Shir discussing Kabbalah's basic concepts in an easy-to-understand, fun and interactive format. Join in, ask questions and get them answered live!


Sunday, November 15th 2020, at 1pm EST/ 7pm CET

Click here to find your corresponding local time for this event

See you there

Melody @KabU

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