Saturday, May 21, 2022

Meet the Teachers of “Medicine for Fear”


Our new online course, Medicine for Fear, features a fantastic group of teachers — New York Zen Center founding teachers Koshin Paley Ellison and Chodo Robert Campbell, along with Pamela Ayo Yetunde, Kodo Nishimura, Mushim Patricia Ikeda, and Mirabai Bush.

Their encouraging presentations and guided meditations are all about transcending the fear that so often holds us back — something they each know plenty about. With this Weekend Reader, we thought it would be great to give you a sense of who they each are and their unique voices.

It’s such an honor and privilege to share these teachers’ guidance and vision with you. May the “medicine” they recommend be of relief to all!

— Rod Meade Sperry, Lion’s Roar Digital

How Will You Die?

New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care founders, Zen priests, and married couple Koshin Paley Ellison and Chodo Robert Campbell are among those featured in this profile of five people who offer Buddhist wisdom to people who are dying and those close to them.

Mirabai Bush and Ram Dass on Bringing Fear Close

As long as you think vulnerability is weakness, you’re going to be afraid. Medicine for Fear presenter Mirabai Bush, and Ram Dass, on the kind of vulnerability that’s actually strength.

Meet a Teacher: Mushim Patricia Ikeda

The teacher of Buddhism and anti-racism gets personal with Lion’s Roar about what makes her tick.
Pamela Ayo Yetunde on The Five Remembrances
To change your life now and prepare for the inevitable, says Pamela Ayo Yetunde, regularly contemplate these five home truths.
The Lion’s Roar Podcast: The Passing of Thich Nhat Hanh and “This Monk Wears Heels” with Kodo Nishimura
In the second segment of this episode, Kodo Nishimura, author of “This Monk Wears Heels,” tells Pamela Ayo Yetunde how even makeup and drag can be an expression of the dharma.

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