Sunday, May 29, 2022

Watch Mission: JOY, no-cost, on June 2 during UNITE FOR JOY Global Watch Event


Hello ,

Is your heart hurting from hearing about the latest headline news? 

Us, too.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama were no strangers to the darkest moments in life. They faced suffocating oppression, exile, death threats, cancer, and more--unbowed and still laughing.


They made you a movie to show you. (It will even make you laugh out loud. Seriously.) And it's going to be available for FREE on June 2nd for a 48-hour window.

All you have to do is RSVP here and you'll get notifications about it. Click on Mission: JOY's Facebook page on June 2nd at 5pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) through June 4th at 5pm PDT.
You'll be in good company. Artists, athletes, and thought leaders from around the world are joining with the Dalai Lama and the Office of Archbishop Tutu to make this film freely available to as many people as possible.

Stay tuned for exciting announcements
We can't wait to tell you about these amazing values-aligned people who are committed to creating more JOY in the world, despite the challenges facing us--and in order to face those challenges effectively. 

Arch and His Holiness demonstrated over and over throughout their lives that we humans perform our best service for humanity and for the planet when we lead with compassion and joy, not hate and anger. As Mission: JOY Co-Director and Producer Peggy Callahan says,

"JOY is the ultimate clean fuel that powers everything else we want to do in life."

Veteran viewers: Some of you have already had the opportunity to watch the film at a community screening or film festival. We're curious what you'll notice watching it this time around (some film festival team members have said they've watched it multiple times just for a pick-me-up and they take away something new each and every time).

First-timers: For some of you, this will be your first opportunity to watch. How exciting! This was a gift made lovingly by two of the most respected human rights and spiritual leaders of our time. They truly meant it for every person. We hope you are buoyed by their wisdom and laughter.

Spread the FREE!
It will be free of charge on Facebook (you don't need to have a Facebook account to see it) for two days, so make sure your friends and family get in on the fun, too. Forward this email to them and share the JOY.

You can let them know that watching this movie is guaranteed to make them smile--laugh, even. (They are seriously funny.)

Join with others around the world
The event page online went live last night and already there are more than 1,000 people who've RSVP'd from every corner of the globe. UNITE FOR JOY is bringing us all together. We can't wait to participate alongside you.

Thank you for hanging in there with us as we all, as a community, crafted an entirely new way to launch a film into the world. We are honored to have embarked on this grand endeavor with you.

Now send this on to everyone you know, and get the popcorn ready. June 2nd, here we come!


Peggy, Jolene, and the entire Mission: JOY team

P.S. RSVP for JOY! We could all use some more JOY in our lives right now. Click here and it will take 20 seconds, and you'll be all set.

Peggy Callahan, Mission: JOY Co-Director and Producer, and Impact Director

Jolene Smith, Mission: JOY Impact Producer

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