Thursday, October 27, 2022

How 3 Buddhist Teachers Work with Difficult Emotions; Welcoming Faith; Embodied Nonviolence




How 3 Buddhist Teachers Work with Difficult Emotions
Working with difficult emotions is a lifelong practice. Susan Piver, Karen Maezen Miller, and Norman Fischer open up about their own struggles.

Welcoming Faith
For Myokei Caine-Barrett, how we welcome the various parts of our traditions is a reflection of how we welcome others.
Embodied Nonviolence
Inspired by the teachings of the Buddha, Singhashri Gazmuri outlines the steps we must take when seeking a life of nonviolence.
How to Navigate Transitions in Times of Uncertainty
Monica Jordan reflects on her experience moving from Argentina to the United States and how it changed her perceptions of life’s transitions.
A Mindfulness Studies Student Book Roundup
Mindfulness Studies student Naomi Matlow shares her top 10 mindfulness books for those undergoing a similar path.
Share Your Wisdom: Do you have a favorite Buddhist statue?
We have a question for you: Do you own a Buddhist statue or image that means a lot to you? How does it help you in your life and/or practice? Send your answer, location, and a photo of your statue or image to for possible inclusion in Lion’s Roar magazine.
For Subscribers: “Nature Meditations” Audio Teachings Pack
 In this audio meditation collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, Larry Ward encourages us to “Listen to the Sounds of the Earth”; Brother Phap Luu shows how even a pebble can bring us back home; Leslie Booker teaches a basic walking meditation (try it outdoors!) that can powerfully bring us back to the present; and Yogetsu Akasaka inspires us with an original piece of music that invokes Buddhist chants — and evokes the sounds of the universe.

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