Thursday, October 20, 2022

Meditation Is An Invitation to Well Being; Podcast: Mindfulness of Race; Filipino Americans Share Their Journey to Buddhism




Meditation Is an Invitation to Well-Being
It’s so simple — sit down, pay attention, and open your heart to life — but it’s not so easy. Leading meditation teachers Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman answer your questions about mindfulness practice so you can accept its invitation to a more present and loving life.

The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Mindfulness of Race with Ruth King?
This episode of The Lion’s Roar Podcast features the author of Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out, Ruth King.
Filipino Americans Share Their Journey to Buddhism
Through October, the United States celebrates Filipino American History Month. Here, four Filipino American Buddhists share a look into their spiritual journeys and what Buddhism means to them. Introduction by Noel Alumit.
Ask the Teachers: How do I maintain my faith in Buddhist teachings?
Willa Blythe Baker, Josh Korda, and Tenku Ruff answer a practitioner’s question about losing faith in the institutions of Buddhism and the dharma itself.
Virtue, Meditation, Wisdom
The fruit of Chan practice is discovering the freshness of each moment. Guo Gu on silent illumination, gong’an, and engaging with the world.
Lion’s Roar Foundation is hiring an Online Learning Specialist
The Lion’s Roar Foundation is seeking a full-time Online Learning Specialist to further develop our library of online learning courses, summits, and other digital events.
For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Karma” Ebook
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said that karma is the most difficult Buddhist concept to understand. In every moment, we can choose the seeds we plant for our future happiness. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, teachers such as Ajahn Buddhadhasa, Toni Bernhard, and Judy Lief introduce you to the concept of karma.

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