Saturday, October 8, 2022

Pema Chödrön's 3 Ways to Transform Your Emotions; Podcast: The Practice of Meditation with Yung Pueblo; What I Learned in Hell




From Suffering to Awakening: 3 Ways to Transform Your Emotions
At the root of our suffering are the destructive emotions that Buddhism calls the kleshas, or poisons. In this exclusive excerpt from her new book, Pema Chödrön teaches us a three-step practice to transform their energy from a cause of suffering into a path to awakening. From the November 2022 issue of Lion’s Roar.

The Lion’s Roar Podcast: The Practice of Meditation with Yung Pueblo
Lion’s Roar Associate Editor Mariana Restrepo talks to Yung Pueblo, author of the forthcoming book Lighter: Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present, and Expand the Future.
What I Learned In Hell
Buddhist teacher Justin von Bujdoss was a chaplain to staff at America’s most notorious jail—Rikers Island in New York. There he learned two important lessons: Buddhism really helps people, and prisons should be abolished.
Finding the Buddha In You
Candice Tsuei explores what her journey to Buddhism has taught her about attachment, enlightenment, and life.
Share Your Wisdom: What is your favorite meditation practice?
What is your favorite meditation practice? Send your answer, location, and a headshot to  
Packed and Ready for Whatever’s Next
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche offers a fresh teaching on phowa practice and how navigating the various transitions in our lives, including the very small ones, lays a foundation for navigating the much bigger ones when they come.
For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide to Practices for the Heart” E-book
Compassion, friendliness, kindness, love — these four virtues are the keys to a good life. Every religion in every part of the world agrees that being open-hearted is a good thing. Buddhism works to empower us to cultivate that open-heartedness. In this guide available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, you’ll find insightful teachings and easy-to-follow meditation instructions for cultivating compassion, joy, equanimity, and metta.

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