Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 28 - Embracing the Dark Side


Current World Theme
October 25th 2022 - October 30th 2022
Gene Key 28
Purposelessness – Totality – Immortality
Gene Key 28 2022
The Gift of Totality is a wonderful gift to have, and it belongs to anyone who really knows how to trust in life. Totality means to live alongside fear — to live with the unexpected and to stay open to continual change whilst remaining committed. Totality is the balance between the extremes of the 28th Shadow — one extreme that cannot change and the other that cannot commit. The Gift of Totality means to embrace the whole of your nature and the whole of life — the pleasure and the pain. To be total in the sense of this gift also means to live without allowing your mind to dictate your life. This is life lived for the moment, in the full knowledge that life purpose can only be found in the present moment, rather than in the distant future. 
From the Synthesis
The Voidness of your Intellect
The Voidness of your Intellect
Richard Rudd takes us into a very deep contemplation about the true emptiness that lies beyond the mind. Listen to how to open our mind to all possibilities.        
Watch the video
YouTube Live Event
Transformation Live Event
The Power of Relationships in Transforming the Collective
A prelude to the launch of our amazing global online Venus Sequence retreat, in this very special event we will gather together our global community to invoke the power of the love as the ultimate healing force in the universe. When such a love is crystallised and focused into a collective global body, the transformation taking place in our relationships is greatly quickened. Come prepared for an experience as we journey together into the awesome meditation of the Sunless Sea. The first meditation in the Venus course, this is a mind-blowing, heart-expanding meditation you will never forget!
Join the Live Chat on YouTube, click here.
Learn More
The Delta Programme
A Game of Collective Transformation
The Delta is a powerful new experience that challenges us to take the next great evolutionary step – into the flowering of collective consciousness. In this life-changing game, players gather in groups of seven, exploring seven themes over seven weeks in a syncopated rhythm, creating a very real experience of higher harmony that touches all areas of your life. 
Learn More
The Delta Programme
  • full Instructions for how the Delta journey works
  • contemplation resources and guidance for each of your seven weeks
  • access to the Find a Delta Group forum
  • additional guidance for ways to connect with your group and how to navigate any challenges that may arise
  • optional private forum created for you once you have established your Delta group.
Try the first step free

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