Saturday, October 8, 2022

The spiritual impulse of Helena P. Blavatsky | newsletter TSPL | Oct 2022


Video recordings past lectures
newsletter TSPL October 2022
Video recordings past lectures
The spiritual impulse of Helena P. Blavatsky 

The teachings that Blavatsky brought are often labeled as technical. But those who really study and comprehend them, discover that they actually support only one universal teaching: the fundamental unity and inseparable interconnectedness of life. 

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Lectures LIVE on Sundays October 16 and 30 at 19.30 CE(S)T. Convert to your timezone.

Related study meetings on Sundays October 9, 23 and November 6 at 19.30 CE(S)T via Zoom.


Sign up for the study groups


Course Thinking Differently

Although one person thinks more consciously than the other, people are thinkers. 

Do we want to see change? Then the conclusion is: by changing our own way of thinking, we change the world. The solution lies in ourselves. An encouraging thought!

Follow this course every other Saturday online via Zoom from wherever you are!


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Video recordings past lectures
Video recordings past lectures
Who was Helena P. Blavatsky?

Many have heard of Helena Blavatsky, but few know who she really was and what she represented. To better understand her, it is necessary to delve into the groundbreaking, universal ideas she brought to replace the old, entrenched ideas of her time. 


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Each human a peacemaker: Peace Special

On the basis of Universal laws you can learn to think and act in such a way that conflicts do not get out of hand, moreover, they will not occur at all. Undoubtedly, people can live in peace with each other.

We are convinced that in these times of conflict and war, the ideas of this Peace issue of Lucifer are of extreme importance.


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Video recordings past lectures
Video recordings past symposium
Independent search for Truth
All video recordings of our past symposium of September 25 are now online for you to watch!
  • How to find your way in this world of 'fake' and 'illusion'?
  • Is there just one or are there many truths?
  • How do you know if something's true?
  • And what does it mean when you have found truth?
These and other questions were addressed during our online symposium.


Our purpose is to form a core of Universal Brotherhood, by spreading the knowledge regarding the spiritual structure of man and the cosmos, free of dogmas. 
All our activities are carried out on voluntary basis. The organization has no paid officials. If you are willing to support our work you can contribute by making a donation using the button below.

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