Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Articles from Tergar Meditation Community | November 2022

4 Ways to Have Healthy Relationships
In my tradition, we believe that with any type of relationship — between friends, family, teacher and student, or even the relationship between yourself and the society you live in — there are four points that need to be considered, sometimes called “the four enlightened activities.” These consist of peaceful activity, enriching activity, magnetizing activity, and powerful activity. All of them hinge on interdependence.
Tips for Lazy Meditators
If you’re reading this, you’ve certainly received at least a few teachings that inspired you to meditate. But for some of us, there’s just one catch: we somehow can’t get around to actually doing it. “Oh my, the day went by so fast! Well, tomorrow, I’ll definitely make time to meditate.” Tomorrow comes and goes, and meditation gets put off until the next day . . . and the next.
Patience for Your Meditation Practice
What is patience, for a meditation practitioner? It’s a lot more than being able to discover that your flight has been delayed without raging at the people at the front desk, or being capable of hearing no, you can’t have that new toy, that bonus, or that fun adventure you wanted without having a meltdown.
Joy of Living Online Training

Learn meditation under the skillful guidance of world-renowned teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche at your own pace.

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