Friday, November 4, 2022

Empty & Aware with Guy and Sally Armstrong: A One-Day Online Retreat



Dear susanto,

We’re excited to share that this November 12 we’re hosting a live, one-day online Wisdom Retreat with Guy and Sally Armstrong! This will be a one-day insight meditation intensive.

In the Buddhist tradition, awareness can be understood as closely related to consciousness, our individual capacity to know the world through our six senses. In this daylong retreat, through talks and meditation instructions, we will train to recognize this knowing capacity in our direct experience. Recognizing awareness in this way offers us a refuge that is to some extent independent of the contents of sense consciousness. Once we are familiar with the recognition of awareness, we begin to see that it provides an excellent foundation for discovering the truth of emptiness, the lack of center or substance in things. We will investigate emptiness in relation to our self, to sense phenomena, and to awareness itself. These understandings help to release the mind from its habitual tendency to grasp after the ungraspable and to cling to concepts and views. Through this release, we discover a dimension of our mind that is inherently free.

During this daylong retreat, you’ll meet with Guy and Sally for two two-hour live Zoom sessions of teachings and meditation practices before finishing the day with a one-hour Q&A (also over Zoom) where you can ask them your questions and receive practice guidance.

The teachings in this retreat are designed for people who are familiar with basic insight meditation practices, but will also be beneficial for experienced students as well as those just starting their exploration of emptiness. No matter where you’re starting from, this intensive one-day experience will help you dive deeper into your practice.

This retreat is exclusively available for All-Access members of the Wisdom Experience, so we’re writing today to invite you to join. This is a special opportunity to study closely with renowned and beloved teachers, and we’d love you to join us, so we’ve opened All-Access again! Click here to learn more about the retreat and how to join.

How to Join the Retreat

The first step is to join as an All-Access member. Click here to join now, and once you’ve done so you’ll get a special welcome email with information on how to register for the retreat.


Wisdom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. When you purchase from Wisdom, you support our mission of more than 35 years: to create and share content for the study and practice of Buddhism, for the benefit of all beings.

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