Saturday, November 5, 2022

Exciting news about DTS Free Online Courses


We have just recently passed 500,000 students who have started a free course from Dallas Theological Seminary!


We are so excited and honored that God would use DTS to bring His Word to the world through these courses. And we are praying that He will continue to bless this ministry as we reach more and more people every day!


So I have a favor to ask: Would you share news of these free courses with those you know and be part of this worldwide ministry effort to bring free biblical education to everyone?


It’s super easy! Just use the links below to share DTS free courses directly to Facebook or copy and paste the course registration link (listed at the bottom of this email) into your social media platform of choice.

You can be a part of what God is doing with these courses by letting others know how these courses have benefited you.


Thank you for being a part of the DTS free courses!



Jacob Beck
Director of Free Online Education

DTS Global Ministries


List of Course Registration Links

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