Monday, November 7, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 1 - From Entropy to Syntropy


Current World Theme
November 6th 2022 - November 10th 2022
Gene Key 1
Entropy – Freshness – Beauty
Gene Key 1 2022
That the very first gene key in the book of life inside you is dedicated to creativity speaks volumes about the human species as a whole. We are designed to overcome the shadow states inside us so that our true genius can emerge and we can add our spirit to the world. It is through individual creativity that all diseases and negative patterns will eventually leave this planet. This is the true meaning of freshness — to be a clear vessel for the creative process so that evolution can move through you and find its way towards a permanent state of eventual love, beauty and unity.
From the Synthesis
Transforming Depression into Creativity
Transforming Depression into Creativity
Do you know someone having a tough time right now? This series is designed to offer gentle words of encouragement to anyone dealing with difficult emotions or circumstances. Please feel free to share.
Richard Rudd shares a simple insight for anyone who suffers from depression. Looking deeply into nature as a source of light, he invites us to fan the flames of this light on a daily basis, deep within our being. By then following even the smallest creative impulses that arise, we can release this light into our lives and begin a steady transformation back towards wholeness. Based on the journey through the shadow of the 1st gene key. 
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The Art of Slowing Down with Tanmayo
The Art of Slowing Down
In this episode Analena has a beautiful conversation around Love and the upcoming Venus Sequence Retreat with Tanmayo Lawson. Along with Elijah Parker from the Gene Keys Publishing Team, she is hosting the Venus Sequence Retreat that starts in November 2022. She brings decades of wisdom into this life changing container. It is one of the most transformative journeys you can go on to open your heart.
Explore the heart of the Venus transmission with Analena and Tanmayo, and hear a new prayer and poem by Tanmayo called Dimensions of Love.
Enjoy the other webinars, podcasts, interviews and other free resources available on
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