Friday, November 18, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 14 - Radiating Prosperity


Current World Theme
November 17th 2022 - November 21th 2022
Gene Key 14
Compromise – Competence – Bounteousness
Gene Key 14 2022
Life is filled with outer compromises. To live without outer compromises would involve a huge selfishness. The inside is where the gold lies hidden, to learn how to overcome our selfish tendencies to compromise our higher self, our integrity. To live without inner compromise is to live a life of deep honour and virtue. Ultimately the question is one of the heart. Have we compromised love? What would love do in this situation?
From the Synthesis
Transforming Poverty Consciousness
Transforming Poverty Consciousness
Richard tackles the common unconscious belief in lack. Drawing on an experience he had while working in a refugee camp, he uses a story of the Kurds to illustrate how to respond to lack with creativity and empowerment. Translating this into our own lives, he shows how this simple yet radical shift in view can transform a whole life from lack into prosperity.
Watch the Video
A lovely interview with Jenna Zoe and Richard Rudd that covers wide-ranging themes from Gene Keys and Human Design to deep relationship explorations…inspiring and fascinating.
Enjoy the other podcasts and interviews available on
    Listen to the Interview
    Human Design Books by Richard Rudd
    Human Design books
    The Revelation – A guide to basic Concepts, Centres, Types and Definition
    Republished after many years out of print, Richard Rudd’s The Revelation is one of the classic Human Design texts, packed with over 200 pages of information, insight and inspiration on Human Design. With hundreds of images, charts of well-known people and examples, this is one of the best and most clearly written introductions to Human Design, covering all the basics. A must-have for all beginners or serious students of Human Design.
    Circuitry – The complete guide to Circuits, Channels and Gates
    One of the classic texts for understanding the foundations of Human Design, this book remains one of the most widely used and loved of Human Design books. Rooted in the original language of Human Design, Circuitry is practical and useful for beginners, describing each gate and channel in the Bodygraph in user-friendly everyday language. It is also a rich resource for advanced students, as it lays out in one place all the many layers of keynotes behind the Human Design Bodygraph.
    Explore Human Design and the Gene Keys

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