Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 34 - The Beauty Of The Beast


Current World Theme
November 22nd 2022 - November 27th 2022
Gene Key 34
Force – Strength – Majesty
Gene Key 34 2022
When we’re aligned with our core stability, through our spine and breath, we’re deeply anchored in our belly, our centre; we just know things. It’s a mystery. Our knowing is vast. This is the kinaesthetic knowing of the body. It feels truth in every cell. That’s strength. It’s not about display, although it can’t be hidden. A person moving from their centre, talking from their centre, has a palpable field of strength around them.
Strength lies in self-assurance. When we know at the physical level, the answer is always so simple because it doesn’t come via the mind. It emerges from our centre as effortless knowing, or flowing movement.
From the Synthesis
Contemplating Reincarnation
In these three unique and inspiring dialogues, Richard Rudd and Chris Bache explore the continuity of human consciousness beyond a single lifetime. Tackling an array of interlinked subjects emerging from this theme, these profound thinkers and mystics weave a lucid picture of the deeper meaning of life and death and the evolution of consciousness as it moves through the circle of rebirth. 
Also included is Richard’s Fragments of Light series on reincarnation.
    Listen to the dialogues
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