Friday, November 4, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 44 - Karmic Relationships

Current World Theme
October 31st 2022 - November 5th 2022
Gene Key 44
Interference – Teamwork – Synarchy
Gene Key 28 2022
The Gift of Teamwork is about recognising who belongs in your life. When you meet someone for the first time and they seem familiar to you, it is because their vehicle belongs to your fractal line. Within the greater body, your cells have business together. Taking this further, if you were able to assemble your own true fractal around you, then the dynamics of this team would be nothing short of awesome. There would be total trust within the group, or total love within the family. 
From the Synthesis
The Voidness of your Intellect
The Sunless Sea Meditation 
Join Richard Rudd in an audio journey exploring the Pathway of Dharma - a voyage into another world, into another dimension. In this new journey, we move into the mystery of the deep feminine.
Your dharma is your path into the void, across the wilderness of the astral plane, with its many adventures and twists and turns. Your dharma is both written within your cells, and it also unravels as you walk. 
Find a comfortable and quiet space before beginning this meditation. It is recommended to use high quality speakers or headphones to fully enjoy the audio journey. 
Listen/download the meditation
Final Call Venus Sequence Online Retreat 
The Delta Programme
Registration Closes on October 31
Join Tanmayo Lawson, Elijah Parker and our team of Gene Keys hosts for one of the deepest inner journeys you will ever take. 
Online Retreat Registration - $250
This package includes:
  • a personalised Gene Key map of your Venus Sequence, unique to you
  • access to the online Venus Sequence course valued at $150
  • access to weekly online events (24 weeks in total)
  • access to a forum of fellow students, to share your experiences
  • ongoing access to all replays & resources after the retreat ends.
If you already have the Venus Sequence course or attended our previous Venus Deep Dive, this retreat is only $100. Registration closes on October 31, 2022.
Enjoy the webinars, podcasts, interviews and other free resources available on
    Register for your Venus Retreat
    Are you new to the Gene Keys?
    Begin your journey here, in our newcomer’s portal

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