Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 9 - The Power of the Infinitesimal


Current World Theme
November 28th 2022 - December 3rd 2022
Gene Key 9
Inertia – Determination – Invincibility
Gene Key 9 2022
The only force in the universe that is truly invincible is love. Love knows only giving, so it creates a vacuum which in turn continually floods with more love. It is impossible to fight against such a force since it renders all other energies defunct by returning them to their source. When a human being attains this Siddhi, their life becomes an expression of the invincible power of such love.
From the Synthesis
Transforming Inertia into Invincibility
Transforming Inertia into Invincibility
We live during the time of The Great Change. It is likely that there will come times in which we are faced with the forces of chaos and decline. How we respond to such times will dictate our future and the future of our species. Contemplate the resources below and let them permeate your life, so that when times of greater intensity appear, you will enter the storm prepared and with a spirit of deep trust and love.
Watch the Video
Hologenesis & the Sacred Wound
Your Hologenetic Profile is an extraordinary thing. It provides you with the opportunity to take an inner voyage into some rich and uncharted places inside your being. Unlike many contemporary systems, the Gene Keys is a journey you must take on your own. Even though it will inevitably bring you closer to the people in your life, the true inward journey has always been a solitary process. Your Hologenetic Profile however does give you a clear structure to follow and contemplate as you travel the path of transformation. 
The following resource is designed to give you a taste of where your Hologenetic Profile comes from and possibly how it fits into the story of your own evolution and awakening. 
Explore the resources 
Are you new to the Gene Keys?
Begin your journey here, in our newcomer’s portal

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