Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 5 - The Ending of Time


Current World Theme
December 4th 2022 - December 8th 2022
Gene Key 5
Impatience – Patience – Timelessness
Gene Key 5 2022
It is the 5th Gene Key that really forms the backbone of the 64 Gene Keys. Containing all the codes and patterns of life, the 5th Gene Key represents the great digital library of consciousness in form. These codes lie coiled and concealed within every single living cell, wound into the famous helical patterns of your DNA. The 5th Gene Key is also one of those Gene Keys that is found in all life forms, since it alone maintains the very rhythmical patterns that allow an organism to stabilise within its particular environment. Furthermore, the 5th Gene Key is a great mystical chess piece within the genome, since it also unites all these separate organisms into one great universal rhythm — the pulse of life.
From the Synthesis
Thought Weather
Thought Weather
"A clear mind repels confusion, a clear mind repels doubt. So, the mind takes what's in the heart, in the soul and works with that, together."
Richard Rudd elucidates the intriguing idea that the quality of our thoughts shape our destiny. You can also listen to the audio-only version here.
Watch the Video
The Art of Contemplation
A gentle path to wholeness and prosperity
This online course is a simple introduction to the technique at the core of the Gene Keys. Through a series of step by step resources, this course shows you how to bring the magic of contemplation into every corner of your life, resulting in a deep sense of spaciousness, calm and clarity that is rare in our modern world.
This versatile online course combines “The Art of Contemplation” text from the book with each chapter available as an audio file, read by Richard Rudd. Additionally each module offers practical guidance with ‘Contemplation in Action’ sections to help you integrate the art of contemplation into your daily life. Includes over 20 simple techniques to help you cultivate your own Contemplation practice.
Purchase Includes:
  • The Art of Contemplation Audiobook (stream/download)
  • The Art of Contemplation book and step by step guidance in online format
  • Over 20 simple techniques to support your own Contemplation practice
  • New online course format accessible via desktop and mobile
Learn More

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