Wednesday, December 7, 2022

You Are Already a Buddha; The Dharma of Fiction; What Does It Mean to Be a Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner?




You Are Already a Buddha
In this, the first of a four-part series on tantra, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche presents the three stages of meditation. Meditation, he says, is the process of recognizing your buddhanature, then nurturing that recognition. From the January 2023 issue of Lion’s Roar.

The Dharma of Fiction
Novels, fables, and plays — they’re stories that are made up, yet they often express deep truths. Five writers and thinkers explore the spiritual teachings they’ve found in fiction.
What Does It Mean to Be a Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner?
Over the last decade, there’s been an increased awareness of the adverse effects of trauma in the mindfulness and meditation discourse. Naomi Matlow explores what it means to be a trauma-sensitive mindfulness practitioner.
The Four Points of Letting Go in the Bardo
It’s when we lose the illusion of control — when we’re most vulnerable and exposed — that we can discover the creative potential of our lives. Pema Khandro Rinpoche explains four essential points for understanding what it means to let go, and what is born when we do.
Cooked with Love
Arepas have been eaten in South America since pre-Columbian times. For Mariana Restrepo, they’re a reminder of all the hands that have fed and shaped her.

Para leer este artículo en español: Hecho con amor
How to Practice Wise Intention
Regularly remind yourself of your intentions, advises Sylvia Boorstein. It’s the key to keeping your life on target. Illustrations by Carole Hénaff.
For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Zen” Ebook
The word Zen is a Japanese transliteration of the Chinese word Ch’an, which derives from the Sanskrit dhyana, meaning meditation. Zen is the Japanese lineage of a meditation-oriented Buddhist tradition that includes Ch’an (China), Seon (Korea), and Thien (Vietnam). In the West, the word “Zen” is often used as shorthand for the entire tradition. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, Guo Gu, Joan Sutherland, Norman Fischer, and more, dive deep into the tradition.

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