Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thich Nhat Hanh's Inspiring Life; A Meditation to Heal Your Inner Child; Tibetan Nuns Debate Under the Bodhi Tree




A Cloud Never Dies
A year after his death, Andrea Miller shares what Thich Nhat Hanh taught her, his inspiring and courageous life, and how — through us — his wisdom will continue.

A Loving-Kindness Meditation to Heal Your Inner Child
Peggy Rowe Ward and Larry Ward on how to give yourself the love and compassion you deserve. And send some of that love to the wounded child inside you. They need it.
Tibetan Buddhist Nuns Debate Under the Bodhi Tree at the 26th Annual Jang Gonchoe
Dominique Butet and Olivier Adam report on the 26th Annual Tibetan Nuns’ Winter Debate (Jang Gonchoe) in Bodhgaya, which gathered 500 Tibetan Buddhist nuns to practice philosophical debate.
How Our Work Can Help Us Find Freedom
Naomi Matlow shares three ways to practice right livelihood at work.
Watch: New Thich Nhat Hanh documentary “I Have Arrived, I Am Home”
Filmmaker Max Pugh’s new documentary I Have Arrived, I Am Home marks the first anniversary of the passing of Thich Nhat Hanh. Watch it now.
Confessions of a Hungry Ghost
Sensei Alex Kakuyo knows what it’s like to live as a hungry ghost, constantly striving toward one more thing. He shares how Buddhist practice has helped him accept this endless hunger and find refuge in the present moment.
For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Vipassana” Ebook

Theravada is the earliest form of institutionalized Buddhism and is still practiced today in Sri Lanka. In the US, Theravada mostly manifests through the teaching of Vipassana, particularly its popular meditation technique, mindfulness, the awareness of what is happening now —thoughts, feelings, sensations— without judgment or attachment. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, you’ll learn the history behind Vipassana and how to practice it with wisdom from Bhante Bodhidhamma, Joseph Goldstein, Bhikkhu Bodhi and more. 

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