Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Awakening the Sacred Feminine; Remembering Wayne Shorter; Podcast: Kinship and Community with Pamela Ayo Yetunde




Awakening the Sacred Feminine
In Vajrayana Buddhism, dakinis are seen as unbridled and enlightened feminine energy. Lama Tsultrim Allione on how she discovered her own dakini power.

Remembering Wayne Shorter, Rogue Philosopher (1933-2023)
Jazz great Wayne Shorter died Thursday, March 2 at a hospital in Los Angeles. He was 89. In this profile from the July 2019 issue of Lion’s Roar, Rod Meade Sperry looks at his life, art, and Buddhism.
The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Kinship and Community with Pamela Ayo Yetunde
Lion’s Roar associate editor Pamela Ayo Yetunde calls for a “compassion revolution” in her new book Casting Indra’s Net: Fostering Spiritual Kinship and Community. In this episode, she talks with fellow Lion’s Roar associate editor Noel Alumit about the deep challenges that lead to violence and how we can heal from them together.
The Bird in the Cage Dilemma
C. Pierce Salguero contemplates the karmic framework in Buddhism and how it informs life’s ethical dilemmas.
Lion’s Roar is hiring an Audience Development & SEO Specialist
Lion’s Roar is hiring an audience development specialist (ADS) to help us grow our audience and extend our reach across all our publishing products. 
La libertad del vacío
En el centro del camino de los paramitas está prajna, o sabiduría, pero una sabiduría que va más allá de nuestras ideas convencionales al respecto. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche explica cómo funciona ese tipo de sabiduría.

Read The Freedom of Emptiness by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche in English, here.  
For Subscribers: “Working with the Hard Stuff” Audio Teachings Pack
This audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, features helpful talks and meditations for working with life’s difficulties — from troublesome emotions to physical pain — from Diana Winston, Anyen Rinpoche and Allison Choying Zangmo, Lama Rod Owens, and Lama Tsomo.

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