Wednesday, March 22, 2023

How to Find a Better Balance; The Dharma of “Everything Everywhere All at Once”; Podcast: The Secret to Happiness with Robert Waldinger




How to Find a Better Balance
Equanimity protects us from emotional overreaction and allows us to rest in a bigger perspective. Christiane Wolf on how to cultivate it. 

The Luminous Dharma of “Everything Everywhere All at Once
Sean Feit Oakes explores the dharmic lessons of emptiness and compassion in the Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once.
The Lion’s Roar Podcast: The Secret to Happiness with Robert Waldinger
Psychiatrist and Zen teacher Robert Waldinger directs the Harvard Study of Adult Development, a-75 year-long study on happiness. In this episode, he speaks with Lion’s Roar’s Melvin McLeod about the nature of happiness discovered by the study and how it all connects with what Buddhism has to say about suffering.
Nalanda: Powerful Then, Powerful Now
Jan Westerhoff explores what we know about the days when Nalanda flourished and what the essential teachings that emerged from it mean for us now. From the new, Spring 2023 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide.
A Spring Prayer
Shozan Jack Haubner presents a prayer for the chaotic awakening of nature that is spring.  
Ya eres un Buda
En este artículo, el primero de una serie de cuatro partes sobre tantra, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche presenta las tres etapas de la meditación. La meditación, dice, es el proceso de reconocer tu naturaleza búdica y luego fomentar ese reconocimiento.

Read “You Are Already a Buddha” in English, here
For Subscribers: “Cultivating Positive Habits of Mind” Audio Pack
This audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers features psychologist, author, and Insight meditation teacher Sylvia Boorstein as she leads you through talks and guided meditation practices to help release the mind from patterned behavior and toward happiness. 

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