Saturday, April 1, 2023

Universal symbols - the language of the soul | newsletter TSPL | Apr 2023


Lucifer magazine
newsletter TSPL April 2023
Lecture series
Metaphysics: beyond the limits of physics

Today's physics is moving more and more in the direction of metaphysics. The real causes are increasingly sought behind physically observable phenomena. Ancient wisdom already assumed a process of conversion of metaphysics into physics. What other insights does such a vision lead to?


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Lecture LIVE on Sunday April 2 at 19.30 CE(S)T. Convert to your timezone.

Related study meeting on Sunday April 9 at 19.30 CE(S)T via Zoom.


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Universal symbols - the language of the soul

From children's fairy tales and myths to the cosmogenesis in H.P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, symbolism is found everywhere. Where do these symbols come from? Why is it that we find the same symbols in different traditions worldwide? And what exactly do these symbols appeal to?


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Lectures LIVE on Sundays April 16 and 30 at 19.30 CE(S)T. Convert to your timezone.

Related study meetings on Sundays  April 23 and May 7 at 19.30 CE(S)T via Zoom.


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Lecture series
Lucifer No. 4 - 2022

This issue is dedicated to our Symposium 'Independent Search for Truth':

  • Introduction
  • One Truth or many truths?
  • How to find truth
  • The cycle of truthfinding applied to evolution
  • How to live Truth?
And further:
  • Esoteric Teachings volume 9 by G. de Purucker

  • Lightbringers in our society: Frans Douw

  • Why this magazine is called Lucifer “the Light-bringer”

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Living better by thinking about death

Understanding reincarnation gives us a vision with a grand horizon. We will look in a different way at the countless choices we make every day, because we want to find which ones have lasting value. 


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Our purpose is to form a core of Universal Brotherhood, by spreading the knowledge regarding the spiritual structure of man and the cosmos, free of dogmas. 
All our activities are carried out on voluntary basis. The organization has no paid officials. If you are willing to support our work you can contribute by making a donation using the button below.

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