Sunday, June 25, 2023

Power & The Practitioner



Power & The Practitioner

It’s my pleasure to invite you into the new, Summer issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Guide, with its theme of “Power & The Practitioner.” In it, a clutch of heartful and wise Buddhist teacher-practitioners share what they’ve learned about the powers we might cultivate in dharma practice — from the absolutely practical to the mysterious (and even the supernatural). 

Features include Plum Village teacher Sr. Dang Nghiem on the Five Strengths, professor and Shin priest Mark Unno on self- and other-powerGaylon Ferguson on the power of Buddhist tantraChan monk Rev. Heng Sure on the powers of the bodhisattva, and more, including Joie Szu-Chiao Chen’s always-helpful roundup of the latest in dharma books. (Speaking of: starting with this issue, you can read online excerpts of the books reviewed inside!)

So have a look inside! 

Thanks so much for your support of Buddhadharma, and for the power of your practice.   

— Rod Meade Sperry, Editor, Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Guide + Lion’s Roar Special Editions          

Cultivating the 5 Powers


Author, medical doctor, and Plum Village monastic Sister Dang Nghiem talks about how her teacher Thich Nhat Hanh taught the “five strengths,” and how we can transform and harness them into powers that drive and deepen our dharma practice.


Looking to the “Three Powers” for Patient Acceptance

Though deep in personal grief, Rev. Ryuei Michael McCormick knows that, through continued dedicated practice, he can nurture seeds of positivity within himself. “The power of the Buddha,” he writes, “is the power of believing that someone at some time overcame suffering and anguish in a mature, empathetic, and compassionate way.”

The Dharma of the Second Bell

Standing up for what’s right isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s just plain difficult, maybe even doomed to fall short. But we do it anyway. In this travelogue-meets-teaching, Rev. Joan Amaral recalls “Operation Bring John Home”—an effort to break through the bureaucracy that kept a married couple apart—while living one’s values and remaining unbowed.


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