Monday, June 12, 2023

What is consciousness?



Stephanie Studer
US digital editor

Welcome to Summer reads, an ever-changing collection of stories for the season. Over the next few months I’m sifting through our pages to bring you invigorating essays and sizzling quick reads that you may have missed.

My first set of mind-expanding articles begins with an unsolved scientific mystery about the brain: what is consciousness? Pair it with Yuval Noah Harari’s essay arguing AI has hacked humanity’s operating system. When you’re done pondering the mind, how about the body? If you’ve been wondering how those new weight-loss drugs work, we explain.

For more mental nourishment, consider the case of Morocco’s missing king. Read about (and watch) how Hollywood is losing the battle for China. Travel the length of Britain with a Victorian mapper. Or an Inca highway for clues about modern Peru.

For your beach tote: we round up the best books on the history of Italyspies and banking crises. Look for the second instalment of this newsletter in your inbox next Saturday, and enjoy the best season of the year.

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Editor’s picks

A selection of must-read articles

Image article 1

The hard problem

What is consciousness?

Solving the brain’s biggest mystery: the one that defines what it means to be human

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