Sunday, July 16, 2023

All about the Mahamudra Transmission 2023-24


From Tilopa to Mingyur Rinpoche:

Experience Mahamudra Across Centuries in an Year-Long Transmission

Mahamudra Transmission 2023-24

One thousand years ago, the great master Tilopa sang a song of realization to his student Naropa, instructing him on the essential points of Mahamudra. This song, or doha in Sanskrit, has come to be known as The Ganges Mahamudra

For the first time, Mingyur Rinpoche will offer teachings on the root verses of this Mahamudra text in English to a Western audience. We welcome you to join this precious transmission in 2023-2024!


“So Mahamudra is the symbol, the seal, the mudra of all phenomena and the true nature of mind. Thus, the true reality of all appearances is called Mahamudra.”

- Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

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