Sunday, July 16, 2023

How to Cultivate Resilience in Tough Times; Podcast: Enlightenment Is an Accident; The Dalai Lama's Birthday Message



How to Cultivate Resilience in Tough Times

Shauna Shapiro explains how to face difficult emotions, re-center, and find calm.


The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Enlightenment Is an Accident with Tim Burkett

Psychologist and Zen teacher Tim Burkett embarked on his journey towards enlightenment in 1964 when he crossed paths with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, the renowned author of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. In this conversation with Lion’s Roar’s Sandra Hannebohm, he shares what he learned about the nature of enlightenment from Suzuki Roshi and why pursuing it is ultimately futile, yet available to you in this very moment.

Watch: The Dalai Lama shares 88th birthday message

“Although I am just one human being,” His Holiness the Dalai Lama said in his 88th birthday message, “I aspire to contribute to world peace through thought, word, and deed.”

Para leer este artículo en español: “El Dalai Lama comparte un mensaje por su cumpleaños número 88



A24’s Past Lives Is a Meditation on Love and Longing

Lion’s Roar Associate Editor Noel Alumit reviews A24’s new movie, Past Lives, the debut film of director Celine Song.


This Is the Practice

When the Buddha tended to a dying monk, he demonstrated how to live, how to die, how to care for others. Vanessa Sasson offers her retelling of that poignant story.

Para leer este artículo en español: “Ésta es la Práctica


The Tathagata’s Ten Wisdom Powers

The Avatamsaka, or Flower Garland Sutra, details the path and practices of the bodhisattva. Among these are ten powers that arise from the awakened human mind. Rev. Heng Sure on how teacher and student alike might realize them. From the Summer 2023 issue of Buddhadharma.

For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide to Dzogchen & Mahamudra” Ebook

Dzogchen and Mahamudra, the Great Perfection and the Great Seal, are powerful meditative systems for revealing the nature of mind. While their methods may differ, their essence is the same. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, Buddhist teachers Mingyur Rinpoche, Willa Blythe Baker, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and more dive into the essence of this tradition.


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