Friday, July 21, 2023

How to Do Metta; Transformation at the 18th Sakyadhita Conference; The Intersection of Spirituality and Psychedelics



How to Do Metta

Jack Kornfield on beginning this time-honored, heart-opening practice.


The Transformative Journey of the 18th Sakyadhita International Conference

Lion’s Roar associate editor Pamela Ayo Yetunde reflects on her experience of joining a “worldwide sisterhood of liberation” at the 18th Sakyadhita International Conference in Seoul, S. Korea.

Psychedelics and Spirituality: Exploring the Intersection at Psychedelic Science 2023

In June, the largest psychedelic conference in history, Psychedelic Science 2023, brought together a diverse group of experts to explore the scientific, therapeutic, and spiritual potential of psychedelics. Jason Moscow reports.



My 49-Day Journey Through Grief

After the devastating loss of her son, Karen Wallace Bartelt sought solace beyond the practices of her Christian faith. Finding inspiration in Buddhism, she shares how she learned to sit with her grief and create a sacred space within for transformation to unfold.


Take Refuge in the Three Jewels

Essentially each practitioner of Buddhist meditation makes the journey alone, but many find that committing themselves to the three jewels — Buddha, dharma, and sangha — helps take them further. These three make up the lineage, philosophy, and community of Buddhism, explains Christina Feldman, and their purpose is to deepen and expand our practice.


Ancient and Modern Maps of the Mind

Tara Bennett Goleman looks at the parallels between of Buddhist psychology and modern cognitive science, revealing their shared insights that illuminate a hidden path towards inner freedom.

For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide To Working With Difficult Emotions” Ebook

So much of our happiness depends on how we work with our emotions. Buddhist practice helps us understand the energy of strong emotions, free ourselves from negative emotional patterns, and discover the wisdom in even the most difficult emotions. In this helpful guide a number Buddhist teachers offer insights and techniques to help us work with difficult emotions.


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