Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Religion of the Future - Symposium Sep 17, 2023 | newsletter TSPL | July 2023


Lucifer magazine

newsletter TSPL July 2023
Symposium 2023
The Religion of the Future
connecting through wisdom, compassion and peace

In every human heart lives a longing for connection and unity. For true connection with others, with the greater whole of which we are part, with something greater within ourselves that wants to express itself. No matter how busy we are, this intuitive religious realization keeps emerging. Where does this realization come from? And how might we again be actively living from oneness?

In this online symposium on September 17th, we will explore these questions in 2 lectures, 2 interactive workshops and a joint conclusion.


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ITC 2023: Universal Symbolism of Theosophy
Unveiling the Language of Divine Thought

This Conference will explore universal symbols, what they are and what they mean.

Each day a keynote, workshop and plenary session will consider some aspect of these symbols as the language of Divine Thought.

Together we will consider what a symbol is, Man as a symbol of Nature, and symbols as the preservation of Divine Thought, holding the truths of Theosophy through the ages.


View program and register


International Theosophy Conferences
Lucifer magazine
Lucifer No. 1 - 2023

In this issue:

  • Esoteric Teachings volume 11 and 12 by G. de Purucker

  • Lightbringers in our society - Zaz

  • Dealing with nature - The example of the Bishnois
  • Peace education in schools: learned young, done old
  • Cosmopsychism
  • The esoteric background of Fröbel's Kindergarten
  • Questions & Answers
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Universal Brotherhood

Fraternity in everyday practice will never be a success if we do not allow the idea to live in our hearts and not just proclaim it as a theory. When we understand what life is, what place we have in life, we start to practice the right ethical rules, and live with each other as brothers.


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Our purpose is to form a core of Universal Brotherhood, by spreading the knowledge regarding the spiritual structure of man and the cosmos, free of dogmas. 
All our activities are carried out on voluntary basis. The organization has no paid officials. If you are willing to support our work you can contribute by making a donation using the button below.

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