Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Announcing The Ultimate Life Mastery Summit


Sponsored Content From Heart Mind Institute

Dear Friend,

Our friends at Heart Mind Institute have created an extraordinary, Free, 6-day, online Ultimate Life Mastery Summit exploring how human beings can embrace the spirit of mastery and develop a growth mindset of limitless possibility, to actualize our highest potential and create a meaningful, rewarding, and joyful life for ourselves and with others.

Over six powerful days, you will have the opportunity to learn how to actualize your highest potential with 48+ world renowned experts in neuroscience, medicine, positive psychology, meditation, relationships, and community building, each ready to  guide you on your Ultimate Life Mastery journey…

Gabor Maté, Tara Brach, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Andrew Weil, Byron Katie, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Michael Beckwith, Marisa Peer, John Assaraf, Sharon Salzberg, Marie Mbouni, Dan Siegel, Shelah Marie, Pedram Shojai, Bessel van der Kolk, Barbara Fredrickson, Rick Hanon, Sue Morter and many more...

You will also have the opportunity to connect and interact with a global community of individuals committed to personal growth and transformation during this first-of-its-kind, six-day Ultimate Life Mastery Summit with 48-hours Free viewing access to each Summit day’s presentations.

Join us for this amazing journey from the comfort of your own home, and… 

  • Learn from over 48+ world-class experts about how to optimize your brain and mindset through positive neuroplasticity

  • Get access to powerful strategies for healing  trauma, balancing your emotional energy, and deepening  resilience

  • Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity and productivity

  • Discover proven methods for improving the inner and outer dimensions of physical health, fitness, and longevity 

  • Explore the spiritual journey to self-actualization, genuine personal freedom, & awakening universal compassion

  • Learn how to cultivate positive habits and behaviors that support your goals

  • Discover how to optimize your relationships with self-compassion, emotional intelligence & wisdom

  • Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal transformation

Free streaming of the summit starts Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 am EDT USA. Click the button below to claim your free ticket.

  Questions? Please contact

Lion’s Roar is bringing you this offer on behalf of Heart Mind Institute. It does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Lion’s Roar editorial staff.

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