Saturday, August 5, 2023

How to Do Green Tara Practice; Podcast: Theravada In Everyday Life; Meet 4 Inspiring Buddhist Women



Green Tara: You Are the Divine Feminine

No matter your gender identification, you can do Green Tara practice and help bring yourself — and the world — into balance. Lama Döndrup Drölma offers step-by-step instructions. From the September 2023 “Women of Wisdom” issue of Lion’s Roar magazine. 


The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Theravada in Everyday Life with Brooke Schedneck

Religious studies professor Brooke Schedneck is the author of Living Theravada: Demystifying the People, Places, and Practices of a Buddhist Tradition. Here, in conversation with Lion’s Roar associate editor Mihri Tillakaratne, she talks about Theravada Buddhism in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.

Meet Four Inspiring Buddhist Women of Wisdom

These four women Buddhist teachers are shaping Buddhism in America. Meet Doshin Mako Voelkel, Lama Tsomo, Myokei Caine-Barrett, Shonin, and Bonnie Duran.



Study reveals experiences of Asian American Buddhists practicing in non-Asian dominant spaces

Lion’s Roar associate editor Mihiri Tillakaratne reports on the key findings from a new study on how Asian American Buddhists shape identity and create community while practicing in non-Asian dominant spaces conducted by the Asian American Buddhist Working Group.


The Dharma of the Second Bell

Standing up for what’s right isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s just plain difficult, maybe even doomed to fall short. But we do it anyway. In this travelogue-meets-teaching, Rev. Joan Amaral recalls “Operation Bring John Home” — an effort to break through the bureaucracy that kept a married couple apart — while living one’s values and remaining unbowed. From the Summer 2023 issue of Buddhadharma.


Summertime Longing

Whether meditating or doing headstands, Susan Moon’s small self continues to reach for something beyond.


Remembering Buddhist teacher and author Wes Nisker (1942-2023)

Wes Nisker, the Oakland, California-based Buddhist teacher, author, radio personality, and founder and co-editor of Inquiring Mind has died.

For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Emptiness” Ebook

Understanding emptiness is the antidote to suffering. In Buddhism, neither we, nor other beings, nor any phenomenon in the universe, has a permanent, separate, and independent core, soul, or identity. In this ebook the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Norman Fischer, and others, explain how to shed external projections and experience the wisdom of emptiness..


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