Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thich Nhat Hanh on the Miracle of Mindfulness; Podcast: Women of Wisdom with Lama Tsultrim Allione; The Vastness of a Robe



Thich Nhat Hanh on the Miracle of Mindfulness

When we practice mindfulness in our daily lives, says the late Thich Nhat Hanh, we open to the wonders of life and allow the world to heal and nourish us. 


The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Women of Wisdom with Lama Tsultrim Allione

Buddhist teacher, author, and founder of Tara Mandala retreat center, Lama Tsultrim Allione, talks with Lion’s Roar magazine’s editor Andrea Miller about the meaning and urgency of embracing the sacred feminine as a way to resist the destructive aspects of patriarchal society.

The Vastness of a Robe

Falling into bits and pieces, the robe — like everything else — becomes the universe. A teaching by Tenshin Reb Anderson.



Joven y budista: en búsqueda del equilibrio

Francesco Celle comparte su experiencia como joven practicante budista en Chile, explorando los desafíos que ha enfrentado y las valiosas lecciones que ha adquirido durante su viaje espiritual. A través de sus reflexiones, Francesco ofrece valiosos consejos para los jóvenes que aspiran a la práctica budista en Latinoamerica.


Lion’s Roar September 2023 Book Reviews

From simple healing instructions for daily meditation to a scientific theory of complexity and a thoroughgoing investigation into suicidal ideation, Bonnie Nadzam reviews this season’s latest titles.


Share Your Wisdom: What’s your advice for Buddhists new to the path?

Have you been practicing Buddhist for awhile? If so, what is your advice for people new to the path? Send your answer, location, and a photo of yourself to for possible inclusion in Lion’s Roar magazine.

For Subscribers: “Deep Dive into Vajra Mind” Ebook

Discover the depths of Vajra mind in this collection of conversations and teachings from the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers. You’ll learn how to bring the wisdom and compassion of this tradition into your own life, and the lives of those around you, for the benefit of all beings.


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