Thursday, October 12, 2023

Inside the World of VR Meditation; How to Practice Walking Meditation; Hope for the Hopeless



Through the Digital Veil: Inside the World of VR Meditation

Can virtual reality deepen contemplative practice? Ross Nervig dons a headset and explores the promise and peril of mesmerizing worldscapes. From the November 2023 issue of Lion’s Roar magazine. 


How to Practice Walking Meditation

Leslie Booker offers step-by-step instruction for walking meditation.

Hope for the Hopeless

Rev. Blayne Higa on the founder of Shin Buddhism’s “spiritual insight of imperfection and radical acceptance.” It can lead us to the ultimate realization of buddhanature. From the Fall 2023 “Buddhanature” issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Guide



Teresita Gómez: la gran pianista colombiana que practica el Zen

Teresita Gomez se destaca como la pianista más aclamada y reconocida de Colombia. En esta conversación con Gustavo Montoya, Teresita Gómez comparte su experiencia de descubrir el Budismo Zen en Colombia hace casi tres décadas y cómo esta práctica ha tenido un impacto significativo en su vida tanto personal como musical.


Free “Death, Love, & Wisdom Summit” begins October 12

This free 5-day online event brings together 16 leading experts and spiritual teachers trained in helping the dying, and those who care for them, to face death in positive and realistic ways.


No Self, No Opponent

Are martial arts incompatible or in harmony with Zen? That depends, says Som Pourfarzaneh.

“Great Dharma Teachers: Mushim Patricia Ikeda” Audio Interview

Mushim Patricia Ikeda is a Buddhist teacher and leader at the East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland California, which is developing important new models for Buddhist communities in the twenty-first century. In this audio interview available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, our editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod sits down with her at her home in Oakland to talk about her life as a poet, nun, single mother, and leader in progressive Buddhism.

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