Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Join Our Free Webinar on Mahamudra with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche


Mahamudra: A Simple Path for a Busy Life
with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

November 18
10 a.m. EST (New York), 4 p.m. CET (Berlin), and 11 p.m. HKT (Hong Kong)

At the heart of the Vajrayana tradition is the path of Mahamudra. Mahamudra has been practiced throughout centuries by men and women from all walks of life, leading them to the direct realization of their own true nature. During this event, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche will bring the Mahamudra teachings alive, helping us understand how we, just as all the men and women who have walked before us, can use these profound teachings to connect with who we truly are and recognize the buddha within.

Requirements for participation: This event is open to everyone.

Recordings of the event will be posted in English only on YouTube within 72 hours.

Learn more and register here

Please feel free to contact us at EventSupport@tergar.org with any questions you may have.

Learning every moment,
Tergar Learning Community

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