Monday, November 6, 2023

Free Summit for Healing Relationships


Hello Friend,

Many of us struggle with feelings of loneliness, confusion, and frustration in our relationships. We often find it difficult to create and stick to boundaries, or to feel truly seen, heard, and appreciated.

The truth is that even within our most cherished relationships, we often experience disconnection, poor communication, and distance.

Unfortunately, when our relationships are taxed, our entire lives become more stressful. Our energy, resilience, and overall stability decreases.

The good news is that there are many ways to improve, nurture, and heal all of the relationships in our lives—including those with our colleagues, friends, family members, romantic partners, and even ourselves.

We invite you to the 2023 Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference presented by Conscious Life, a FREE online event featuring 70+ of the world’s top relationship experts who will be sharing their unmatched wisdom and steps for improving your relationships and strengthening your overall resilience to adversity.

Click Here to Sign Up For FREE and discover more about:

  • Trauma
  • Attachment
  • Friendship
  • Grief
  • Self love
  • Boundaries
  • Safety
  • Toxic patterns
  • And much more
This event brings together a panel of the most trusted and sought after doctors, psychologists, researchers, bestselling authors, and thought leaders to create a comprehensive roadmap for healing.
Here are just a few of the incredible speakers and what they’ll be sharing...
  • In “Cultivating Fierce Compassion,” neuropsychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr Rick Hanson explores the power of fierce compassion in setting boundaries in a courageous and empathetic way, as well as practical steps for doing so.
  • In “How Kindness Supports Healing Toxic Relationships,” world-renowned meditation teacher and New York Times bestselling author Sharon Salzberg shares why kindness to ourselves is so important, how meditation supports kindness, and how to use kindness to navigate difficult relationships.
  • In “Boundaries With Your Parents,” psychotherapist and social media influencer Matthias Barker discusses how to recognize parental wounds, stay grounded in triggering situations, and express your needs effectively.
Don't miss this special event! Sign up here for the 2023 Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference FREE.

. When you sign up now you’ll be given instant access to 6 bonus gifts including the following exclusive video sessions...
  • How Kindness Supports Healing Toxic Relationships - Sharon Salzberg
  • How to Create a Purpose-Driven Relationship - Dr Stan Tatkin
  • Moving Past Our Defenses and Disconnection - Hilary Jacobs Hendel
  • How to Repair Your Self Image and Self Love - Dr Shainna Ali
  • Overcoming Relationship Anxiety - Amber Benziger
  • How To Set Effective Boundaries - Alex Howard
Click here to sign up and claim your free gifts now.

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