Monday, November 27, 2023

Meditation Is Making Friends with Yourself; How Self-Compassion Can Help Us Through the Holidays; Podcast: Humane AI and the Role of Buddhism



Meditation Is Making Friends with Yourself

Being our own best friend is a challenging feat. Kate Johnson explains how meditation can help us get to know our inner critics and prevent them from hindering our path to liberation.


The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Humane AI and the role of Buddhism with Randima Fernando

Randima Fernando, co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, talks about the promises and pitfalls of artificial intelligence, including the existential questions it inspires, how Buddhism is uniquely suited to answering them, and how to best approach this new technology that has the power to change what it means to be human. 


How Self-Compassion Can Help Us Through the Holidays

If you’re spending the holidays with family this year, Jeremy Mohler has some advice for staying present when old wounds pop up.



Cinco prácticas Budistas para afrontar el cambio climático

El cambio climático puede parecer tan inmenso que duele sólo de pensarlo. Willa Blythe Baker ofrece cinco meditaciones que te ayudarán a tomar conciencia de la verdad del cambio climático y a sentar las bases de una respuesta acertada.

Read “5 Buddhist Practices to Help Tackle Climate Change by Willa Blythe Baker in English, here

The 17th Annual Lion’s Roar Online Auction has begun!

The 17th Annual Lion’s Roar Online Auction, our biggest fundraising event of the year, has begun. Click here to register to bid and to browse the catalog.

How Insentient Beings Expound Dharma

Shohaku Okumura explains the connection between non-sentient beings and the concept of buddhanature. From the Fall 2023 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Guide

Share Your Wisdom: Do you practice loving-kindness meditation?

Do you practice loving-kindness meditation? If so, how has it changed your life or practice? Send your answer, location, and a photo of yourself to for possible inclusion in Lion’s Roar magazine. 

For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Enlightenment” Ebook

What is enlightenment? According to Buddhist teacher Joan Sutherland, it’s everything! When we view enlightenment as simply seeing things for what they really are, we understand that, indeed, everything is enlightenment. This ebook available exclusively for Lion’s Roar subscribers contains insights from Pema Chödrön, Norman Fischer, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel and others, all aimed at helping you along your journey toward seeing things as they really are.


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