Wednesday, November 15, 2023

No Self, No Suffering; What Would the Buddha Do?; The Zen of Jane Hirshfield



No Self, No Suffering

The Buddha made a big promise — that if we know the cause of suffering we can end it. Melvin McLeod breaks down the Buddha’s four noble truths — including his unique insight into the real cause of our suffering — and argues it’s not only the ultimate self-help formula, but the best guide to helping others and benefiting the world.


Ask the Teachers: What would the Buddha do?

Myokei Caine-Barrett, Dave Smith, and Lama Karma Yeshe Chödrön on knowing — or not knowing — what the Buddha would do.


The Zen of Jane Hirshfield

When we live in the liminal state, the place of listening, of not-knowing, then everything draws near to us, becomes kin. Noelle Oxenhandler on the words and wordlessness of the renowned American poet Jane Hirshfield.



Coming Home to Myself

Lion’s Roar associate editor Mariana Restrepo shares her journey towards embodying all facets of her intersectional identities.

The 17th Annual Lion’s Roar Online Auction has begun!

The 17th Annual Lion’s Roar Online Auction, our biggest fundraising event of the year, has begun.

How to Practice Bearing Witness

Zen teacher Jules Shuzen Harris teaches us a three-step practice to connect with and serve those who are suffering. Illustrations by Carole Hénaff.

New for subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Mind” Ebook

The Buddha said that the mind is the secret of life. It can be a true source of our happiness or the ultimate cause of our suffering. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, Buddhist teachers Traleg Rinpoche, Khenghen Thrangu Rinpoche, Willa Blythe Baker, and more start you on the journey to transforming your mind.


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