Friday, November 17, 2023

The Seven Trainings


The Seven Trainings

1. Reflecting on impermanence

The understanding of impermanence dissolves the alienation that we experience and that brings us pain. 

2. Recognizing the differences between temporary and lasting happiness

To realize deeply, on a level that actually changes the way we live, the difference between temporary and ongoing happiness. If we don't, we get pulled away again and again from the core of what’s important in life.

3. Reflecting on the multiple conditions for death

 In this training, the focus is on compassion as Jigme Lingpa takes us on a “tour of samsara.” This training helps us to develop wholehearted confidence and conviction.

4. Reflecting on the pointlessness of all activities

 This is a turning point on the path as we realize our need for a teacher.

5. Relying on the Buddhas’ good qualities

Where we make the resolve that we must meditate–and discover that resolve can always be deepened.

6. Reflecting on the lama’s practical instructions

helps us to see clearly how we’re getting in our own way.

7. Threefold non conceptual contemplation

 These are meditative experiences leading to reality: non conceptual meditation on bliss and emptiness, clarity and emptiness, and reality itself.

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